Title test 7
Blog Pages
The Blog Page is your blog’s landing page. It displays multiple posts in a blog list or grid, depending on your template. Blog lists can show either the full post content or short teaser excerpts. Blog grids show thumbnail images for each post, and may also include text.
Clicking a post title or thumbnail image opens the individual blog post in its own page.
You can have multiple Blog Pages on your site. The layout and design options vary by template. Certain templates also have special blog features, such as sidebars.
Blog posts
Blog posts are sub-pages of a Blog Page. Each blog post has its own page and dedicated URL.
The layout, design options, and special features for your blog posts vary by template. You can add as many blog posts to a Blog Page as you'd like.
Add tags and categoties in the post
Tags: news, photography, outdoor
Some post can share same tags and categories